June 30, 2009
We close this long month with a smile on our face :)
Tuesday 30th June 2009
Banyak banget kejadian yg terjadi di bulan ini maupun buat diri gue,buat The Dzavelash dan buat angkatan 10.
Bulan Juni bagi angkatan 10 bulan yg menentukan bgt lulus apa tidaknya kita,tepatnya di tanggal 20 Juni itu pengumuman kelulusan,suer gue deg degan banget pas mau deket deket hari sabtu tgl 20 itu,semua jantungan,semua was was.Tapi alhamdulilah gue dan dzavelash lulus :D biarpun angkatan 10 ga lulus 100% kita tetep yakin kalo next generation bisa menghasilkan prestasi yg lebih baik dari angkatan kita tapi our generation is the best laaah hehe :P
Dan bagi gue ninggalin darussalam itu berat banget,banyak hal yg udh gue alamin bareng anak2 angkatan 10,seneng,sedih,bahagia,gila gilaan,ketawa ketawa semuanya deh!
Apalagi ninggalin guru gurunya,kalo lagi kesel sih pengennya ga ketemu lagi ama guru2 haha tapi biar gimana pun mereka yg paling ngangenin bagi gue,selain udh jadi orang tua gue di sekolah mereka juga udh ngajarin kita setabah tabahnya.Especially Bu Wulan,gue bakal kangen banget sama Bu Wulan solanya dia guru tereasy going yg pernah gue kenal,palinh bijaksana,paling asik deh!Ga mungkin gue bisa lupa!
Terus bangunan darsal yg selalu kita ledek karna belom jadi tapi pasti ngangenin.Baju olahraga yg warnanya oranye campur merah yg selalu kita ejek mirip tukang sapu pinggir jalan itu ga bakal bisa di lupain,geboy kriping singkong yg super pedes yg belom tentu kita temuin di sekolah laen,mba sela yg jutek juga ga bakal ada lagi org kaya mba sela haha piss mba :P
Semua itu bakal gue jadiin kenangan paling berharga buat gue :)
Dan alhamdulilah imtihan berjalan lancar kita semua seneng,nangis bahagia karna kita udh lulus dari SMP :D
What a long month..hmm..
berjuang mati matian demi lulus akhirannya happy ending juga ya hahaa
Buat gue bulan ini bulan yg confusing haha but let's open another chapter,start of something new.
Tapi gue yakin,kita pasti ketemu lagi :D
Banyak banget kejadian yg terjadi di bulan ini maupun buat diri gue,buat The Dzavelash dan buat angkatan 10.
Bulan Juni bagi angkatan 10 bulan yg menentukan bgt lulus apa tidaknya kita,tepatnya di tanggal 20 Juni itu pengumuman kelulusan,suer gue deg degan banget pas mau deket deket hari sabtu tgl 20 itu,semua jantungan,semua was was.Tapi alhamdulilah gue dan dzavelash lulus :D biarpun angkatan 10 ga lulus 100% kita tetep yakin kalo next generation bisa menghasilkan prestasi yg lebih baik dari angkatan kita tapi our generation is the best laaah hehe :P
Dan bagi gue ninggalin darussalam itu berat banget,banyak hal yg udh gue alamin bareng anak2 angkatan 10,seneng,sedih,bahagia,gila gilaan,ketawa ketawa semuanya deh!
Apalagi ninggalin guru gurunya,kalo lagi kesel sih pengennya ga ketemu lagi ama guru2 haha tapi biar gimana pun mereka yg paling ngangenin bagi gue,selain udh jadi orang tua gue di sekolah mereka juga udh ngajarin kita setabah tabahnya.Especially Bu Wulan,gue bakal kangen banget sama Bu Wulan solanya dia guru tereasy going yg pernah gue kenal,palinh bijaksana,paling asik deh!Ga mungkin gue bisa lupa!
Terus bangunan darsal yg selalu kita ledek karna belom jadi tapi pasti ngangenin.Baju olahraga yg warnanya oranye campur merah yg selalu kita ejek mirip tukang sapu pinggir jalan itu ga bakal bisa di lupain,geboy kriping singkong yg super pedes yg belom tentu kita temuin di sekolah laen,mba sela yg jutek juga ga bakal ada lagi org kaya mba sela haha piss mba :P
Semua itu bakal gue jadiin kenangan paling berharga buat gue :)
Dan alhamdulilah imtihan berjalan lancar kita semua seneng,nangis bahagia karna kita udh lulus dari SMP :D
What a long month..hmm..
berjuang mati matian demi lulus akhirannya happy ending juga ya hahaa
Buat gue bulan ini bulan yg confusing haha but let's open another chapter,start of something new.
Tapi gue yakin,kita pasti ketemu lagi :D
June 29, 2009
YOU,yes YOU!
Monday 29th June 2009
Hmmmmm,my word for today is what a looooong monday.Everything is so boring,so sleepy,got nothing to do :(
But one thing that still hanging on my head is YOU.
YOU make me think about YOU
YOU make me wanna smile everytime I think about YOU
YOU hunt me in my dream
YOU are in my mind now
I even had a Dream about YOU last night,it was so clear and so real.
It felt like I dont want to wake up and stay with YOU in my dream.But I couldnt,I woke up and realized that it was just a dream.
A wonderfull dream about YOU.
I want to be with YOU now,but I cant.I cant be with YOU because of YOU
YOU make me curious!
YOU made me SAD!
But over all the truth is,
Hmmmmm,my word for today is what a looooong monday.Everything is so boring,so sleepy,got nothing to do :(
But one thing that still hanging on my head is YOU.
YOU make me think about YOU
YOU make me wanna smile everytime I think about YOU
YOU hunt me in my dream
YOU are in my mind now
I even had a Dream about YOU last night,it was so clear and so real.
It felt like I dont want to wake up and stay with YOU in my dream.But I couldnt,I woke up and realized that it was just a dream.
A wonderfull dream about YOU.
I want to be with YOU now,but I cant.I cant be with YOU because of YOU
YOU make me curious!
YOU made me SAD!
But over all the truth is,
June 27, 2009
For now,I dont want to talk too much about him :)
Saturday 27th June 2009
Okaaaaaay,I think I'm gonna say "he's back in the picture people!" Not that I dont want to stick to all my word about him,but things changed along the way and I never see that coming,and I'm a person who always belive in second chances,but I dont know if i can give him second chance.
But everytime I think about it there's a feeling that I have to give him another shot,but at the same time i think of the possibilities that would happen later.
Maybe it was just a stupid dilemma and i dont really want to think about it too much.As long as I can keep up with this new situation I think I'm fine with it.
You know,sometimes life is never ever like what we are expected,we never know what coming up tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,next month or even next year.So I guess I'm going to keep my mouth shut and talk if it's needed.
Over all,for now we're stick to our new FRIENDSHIP :)
Okaaaaaay,I think I'm gonna say "he's back in the picture people!" Not that I dont want to stick to all my word about him,but things changed along the way and I never see that coming,and I'm a person who always belive in second chances,but I dont know if i can give him second chance.
But everytime I think about it there's a feeling that I have to give him another shot,but at the same time i think of the possibilities that would happen later.
Maybe it was just a stupid dilemma and i dont really want to think about it too much.As long as I can keep up with this new situation I think I'm fine with it.
You know,sometimes life is never ever like what we are expected,we never know what coming up tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,next month or even next year.So I guess I'm going to keep my mouth shut and talk if it's needed.
Over all,for now we're stick to our new FRIENDSHIP :)
June 25, 2009
I'd prefer it's a bad habit
Thursday 25th June 2009
You know,things that i hate the most is when people talk too much.
when people ask to much question.
when people ask me to do a favor more than once.
especially when people talking too much but not thinking.Or like,not thinking before they speak.
sometimes when they meant is just a joke,but their jokes are not in a good situation so it makes people mad yeah I've felt that million times.
I feel like,where is their brain?Or should I say,where are they put it?
They become a fucking idiot everytime they talk but not with their brain
I seriously hated it!
You know,things that i hate the most is when people talk too much.
when people ask to much question.
when people ask me to do a favor more than once.
especially when people talking too much but not thinking.Or like,not thinking before they speak.
sometimes when they meant is just a joke,but their jokes are not in a good situation so it makes people mad yeah I've felt that million times.
I feel like,where is their brain?Or should I say,where are they put it?
They become a fucking idiot everytime they talk but not with their brain
I seriously hated it!
June 23, 2009
Somehow I feel like a stupid person
Tuesday 23rd June 2009
I need to make up my mind.
I dont want to hurt you.
I dont want to feel guilty.
But it was wrong,It was all wrong,I didn't expect everything has to be like this
Maybe it's not the time,It's not the right time.
It just seems so wrong for me
and I feel like i took it to soon,i took my desicion to soon,to fast I didn't even think!
I feel stupid!
I feel so dumb!
why would this happen?It shouldnt have to happen this way?
I am so lost
i feel like a stupid person
I need to make up my mind.
I dont want to hurt you.
I dont want to feel guilty.
But it was wrong,It was all wrong,I didn't expect everything has to be like this
Maybe it's not the time,It's not the right time.
It just seems so wrong for me
and I feel like i took it to soon,i took my desicion to soon,to fast I didn't even think!
I feel stupid!
I feel so dumb!
why would this happen?It shouldnt have to happen this way?
I am so lost
i feel like a stupid person
June 22, 2009
(in my mind,sometimes I always say)I H.A.T.E Y.O.U
Monday 22nd June 2009
I honestly dont wanna say this,but seriously your attitude makes me sick.
That's all I can say
I honestly dont wanna say this,but seriously your attitude makes me sick.
That's all I can say
June 20, 2009
Saturday 20th June 2009
Makasih Ya Allah udah ngabulin doa hambaaaaa :D
Aduh sumpah ga kebayang bgt deh!Nangis bahagia jatoh dari mata gue,dan gue bisa teriak sekenceng kencengnya!
Makasih buat semuanya yg udh doain gue yaa :D
I feel soooo relief!OH MY GOD!
Today is the HAPPIEST day of my life!I cant believe I leave my Junior High School status,to Senior High School status!Yeaaaaaah
Makasih buat guru guru di sekolah gue yg udh ngajarin gue segala macem sampe gue lulus!
So here I am now..
Makasih Ya Allah udah ngabulin doa hambaaaaa :D
Aduh sumpah ga kebayang bgt deh!Nangis bahagia jatoh dari mata gue,dan gue bisa teriak sekenceng kencengnya!
Makasih buat semuanya yg udh doain gue yaa :D
I feel soooo relief!OH MY GOD!
Today is the HAPPIEST day of my life!I cant believe I leave my Junior High School status,to Senior High School status!Yeaaaaaah
Makasih buat guru guru di sekolah gue yg udh ngajarin gue segala macem sampe gue lulus!
So here I am now..
Hall-hal yg akan gue lakukan kalo gue lulus(aamiin)
Saturday 20th June 2009
1.Teriak sekenceng kencengnya
2.Mengucap Alhamdulilah
3.tarik nafas dalam dalam,keluarkan
4.berterima kasih sama Allah,sama orang2 yg udh doain gue :)
1.Teriak sekenceng kencengnya
2.Mengucap Alhamdulilah
3.tarik nafas dalam dalam,keluarkan
4.berterima kasih sama Allah,sama orang2 yg udh doain gue :)
Pengumuman diundur sampe hari senin
Saturday 20th June 2009
Hari ini seharusnya hari yg menentukan bgt buat gue & angkatan 10.Pengennya hr ini lega,seneng,nangis bahagia,nyengir,jumpalitan,lompat2an,bersyukur sama Allah.
Tapi kayaknya(InsyaAllah)semua itu harus kita semua undur sampe hari senin tgl 22 Juni 2009.
Gue ga ngerti kenapa diknas ngundur2 hasil UN?Setau gue UN tahun ini katanya sih 'ketat' bgt,tapi ko ga keliatan konsistennya ya?
Ya mungkin ada problem yg ga kita ngerti sih,tepatnya Gue kurang tau kenapa.
Ya gue emang kesel,sebel,karna gue udh mules mules,deg deg'an setengah mati,begadang,smsan ga jelas sama wilda semaleman cuma buat nungguin hari ini dateng.
But anyways,gue berharap biarpun pengumuman diundur,gue berharap hasilnya akan tetep kaya yg kita semua pengenin.
2.Nilai bagus
3.Nem tinggi
Hari ini seharusnya hari yg menentukan bgt buat gue & angkatan 10.Pengennya hr ini lega,seneng,nangis bahagia,nyengir,jumpalitan,lompat2an,bersyukur sama Allah.
Tapi kayaknya(InsyaAllah)semua itu harus kita semua undur sampe hari senin tgl 22 Juni 2009.
Gue ga ngerti kenapa diknas ngundur2 hasil UN?Setau gue UN tahun ini katanya sih 'ketat' bgt,tapi ko ga keliatan konsistennya ya?
Ya mungkin ada problem yg ga kita ngerti sih,tepatnya Gue kurang tau kenapa.
Ya gue emang kesel,sebel,karna gue udh mules mules,deg deg'an setengah mati,begadang,smsan ga jelas sama wilda semaleman cuma buat nungguin hari ini dateng.
But anyways,gue berharap biarpun pengumuman diundur,gue berharap hasilnya akan tetep kaya yg kita semua pengenin.
2.Nilai bagus
3.Nem tinggi
June 16, 2009
I have to fight my afraidness
Tuesday 16th June 2009
I'm happy about,pretty much everything now haha about people around me,everybody!I really feel the love lately.
And I do feel like I want to fight my afraidness.I want to believe in my self,I can believe in my self,I have to believe in my self,because that's the only magic that can make everything happen.
So I believe that Allah will give me miracle if I belive in my self that I can use that miracle to make my mind belive that I'm going to pass my last examination!Yes I will(aamiin)
but everytime i said that,my heartbeat is beating so hard because I'm afraid!Seriously!
But i know I will pass!
I know I will!
I'm happy about,pretty much everything now haha about people around me,everybody!I really feel the love lately.
And I do feel like I want to fight my afraidness.I want to believe in my self,I can believe in my self,I have to believe in my self,because that's the only magic that can make everything happen.
So I believe that Allah will give me miracle if I belive in my self that I can use that miracle to make my mind belive that I'm going to pass my last examination!Yes I will(aamiin)
but everytime i said that,my heartbeat is beating so hard because I'm afraid!Seriously!
But i know I will pass!
I know I will!
Harus Yakin kalo gue pasti lulus :D
Tuesday 16th June 2009
(sigh)Ooh My God,I am so afraid,I'm scared about the possibility,the rumor and everything.My straight to believe in my self is start to fading..
I keep pray,pray,and pray because i belive that is the only thing to calm my mind,my soul and my thought.
I'm afraid that,what if i'm not going to pass?
What if that will happen in my life?
Ohhh YA ALLAH,please give me a miracle,I hope the email that will come to my email will be 'LULUS' aaaaaamiiiiiin
(sigh)Ooh My God,I am so afraid,I'm scared about the possibility,the rumor and everything.My straight to believe in my self is start to fading..
I keep pray,pray,and pray because i belive that is the only thing to calm my mind,my soul and my thought.
I'm afraid that,what if i'm not going to pass?
What if that will happen in my life?
Ohhh YA ALLAH,please give me a miracle,I hope the email that will come to my email will be 'LULUS' aaaaaamiiiiiin
June 15, 2009
June 14, 2009
I'm optimis but honestly I am so scared
Sunday 14th June 2009
Hei everyone,good evening.I just heard some bad bad rumor,and that was the rumor that i've never expected.
Pengumuman kelulusan,is 6 days from now and I am sooooo teribly scared because of that 'rumor' I cant tell you what is it about,to be honest,all i can do right now is pray,pray,and pray.
I surrender my self to Allah.I wish everything is okay,I wish everything is gonna be alright.
I admit it,I am optimis,but yet.I am AFRAID.I'm SCARED.
what if something bad will happen?
Ya Allah,semoga saya lulus UN 100%,Semoga angkatan 10 Lulus UN 100% Ya ALLAH!
Tolong kabulkan doa hamba ya ALLAH :)
Hei everyone,good evening.I just heard some bad bad rumor,and that was the rumor that i've never expected.
Pengumuman kelulusan,is 6 days from now and I am sooooo teribly scared because of that 'rumor' I cant tell you what is it about,to be honest,all i can do right now is pray,pray,and pray.
I surrender my self to Allah.I wish everything is okay,I wish everything is gonna be alright.
I admit it,I am optimis,but yet.I am AFRAID.I'm SCARED.
what if something bad will happen?
Ya Allah,semoga saya lulus UN 100%,Semoga angkatan 10 Lulus UN 100% Ya ALLAH!
Tolong kabulkan doa hamba ya ALLAH :)
June 12, 2009
Dont be a followers
Friday 12th June 2009
I dont know why I post this,probably that's the only thing that came up in my brain.
I just want to say,I hate it when I have to see other people try to be famous or 'well-known' by following someone else.
I dont think it's cool.I think it's stupid.I hate it when in one time,that person is them self,but in one moment when they with someone that their think that person is fun to be around,or you are desperately want to be their friend,and you change,just like a snap of a finger.
I hate to see that when it's coming.
especially in fashion,I'm not try to be a trendsetter or a trendcenter or whatever.I just want to 'look good' other's does.So I made my own fashion statement,I want to dress differently from other people,I want to look good,so make your own fashion statement!
be your self and dont be a follower :)
I dont know why I post this,probably that's the only thing that came up in my brain.
I just want to say,I hate it when I have to see other people try to be famous or 'well-known' by following someone else.
I dont think it's cool.I think it's stupid.I hate it when in one time,that person is them self,but in one moment when they with someone that their think that person is fun to be around,or you are desperately want to be their friend,and you change,just like a snap of a finger.
I hate to see that when it's coming.
especially in fashion,I'm not try to be a trendsetter or a trendcenter or whatever.I just want to 'look good' other's does.So I made my own fashion statement,I want to dress differently from other people,I want to look good,so make your own fashion statement!
be your self and dont be a follower :)
June 11, 2009
3 things when i'm looking for a guy
1.bad boy (yepp absolutely)
other than that,he needs to be caring,open minded,nice,silly but at the same time serious and uuuuhhhh....romantic(huh?)
hahaha whatever,it just something that came through my brain because I am falling in love now :D
other than that,he needs to be caring,open minded,nice,silly but at the same time serious and uuuuhhhh....romantic(huh?)
hahaha whatever,it just something that came through my brain because I am falling in love now :D
June 10, 2009
Good morning,Good morning,Good morning to You :)
Wednesday 10th June 2009
Good morning everybody :) what a sunny day today :D
I can feel how bright and warm the sun is this morning!
I woke up arond 8 and I dont know,I just thought that today would be a great day!
So I hope it is :)
Good morning everybody :) what a sunny day today :D
I can feel how bright and warm the sun is this morning!
I woke up arond 8 and I dont know,I just thought that today would be a great day!
So I hope it is :)
June 09, 2009
Reminded me of my childhood moment :)
Tuesday 9th June 2009
I still dont understand,why would i watch disney princesses dvd?
hahaha I watched my favourite princess early this afternoon,I watched princess Jasmine and his handsome boy Aladdin.
And it was remind me of my childhood when i used to watch cinderella and aladdin over and over again.
And i feel like i want to go back to that moment where i was so innocent,i was free to do anything i want,i was happy,i was free to be a princess
not right now i could'nt..
things are different now sicha,you are 15 years old!
Let's not watch that dvd again,come on...hahaha
but it's fine,i dont care about when i should grow up and be a mature person,honestly i dont give a shit about it.
I like being a kid,i love being 15 year old girl.I always loved it :)
I still dont understand,why would i watch disney princesses dvd?
hahaha I watched my favourite princess early this afternoon,I watched princess Jasmine and his handsome boy Aladdin.
And it was remind me of my childhood when i used to watch cinderella and aladdin over and over again.
And i feel like i want to go back to that moment where i was so innocent,i was free to do anything i want,i was happy,i was free to be a princess
not right now i could'nt..
things are different now sicha,you are 15 years old!
Let's not watch that dvd again,come on...hahaha
but it's fine,i dont care about when i should grow up and be a mature person,honestly i dont give a shit about it.
I like being a kid,i love being 15 year old girl.I always loved it :)
I had a strange dreams this past 2 days
Tuesday 9th June 2009
Good morning everyone,this past 2 days,I had a really strange dreams,it wasnt a bad dream or weird actually but I guess I'd prefer call it a good and sweet dream because I dreamt about BRENDON URIE!
HHAHAHAHHA Cheesy huh?
But seriously,I saw him in my dream,and he is as cute as he is!
I love you too BRENDON :D
Good morning everyone,this past 2 days,I had a really strange dreams,it wasnt a bad dream or weird actually but I guess I'd prefer call it a good and sweet dream because I dreamt about BRENDON URIE!
HHAHAHAHHA Cheesy huh?
But seriously,I saw him in my dream,and he is as cute as he is!
I love you too BRENDON :D
June 08, 2009
They Excepted me!
Monday 8th June 2009
hello good evening ladies and gents :)
Good news for my parents,good news for my friends,my best friends,my siblings and bla bla
Gue keterima di SMA negri 1 bekasi.Sekolah impian nyokap gue,sekolah dimana nyokap gue pengen gue masuk situ
yaa Alhamdulilah gue masuk.Skor gue 180,gue bingung knp gue bsa masuk sma 1?
padahal disana bocahnya pinter pinter,gue?dibanding sama gue langit ke bumi kali hahaha
tau deh gue seneng seneng aja deh masuk
Alhamdulilah sbelum lulus udh dpt sma.
HARUS LULUS!Tanggal 20 JUNI adalah hari keberuntungan buat gue!
hello good evening ladies and gents :)
Good news for my parents,good news for my friends,my best friends,my siblings and bla bla
Gue keterima di SMA negri 1 bekasi.Sekolah impian nyokap gue,sekolah dimana nyokap gue pengen gue masuk situ
yaa Alhamdulilah gue masuk.Skor gue 180,gue bingung knp gue bsa masuk sma 1?
padahal disana bocahnya pinter pinter,gue?dibanding sama gue langit ke bumi kali hahaha
tau deh gue seneng seneng aja deh masuk
Alhamdulilah sbelum lulus udh dpt sma.
HARUS LULUS!Tanggal 20 JUNI adalah hari keberuntungan buat gue!
Me,My self & I
Monday 8th June 2009
Today,is a brand new day,A brand new me and yep I'm happy because I'm a single lady hehehe
Things are different now,and I'm happy about it.
This morning,when I woke up the fisrt thought in my mind was 'I'm gonna start my day with a brand new smile'
.Well,today,pretty much 'not-so-boring' because I watched Panic At The Disco Live in Chicago since this morning,I almost forgot my lunch because I saw 'the so handsome' brendon and 'the so cute' Ryan hahaha seriosly THEY ARE SO HOT!
I am not with anyone
I try to not feel boring
I texted evryone to get over what kind of thing that i used to receive
But hei,
Today,is a brand new day,A brand new me and yep I'm happy because I'm a single lady hehehe
Things are different now,and I'm happy about it.
This morning,when I woke up the fisrt thought in my mind was 'I'm gonna start my day with a brand new smile'
.Well,today,pretty much 'not-so-boring' because I watched Panic At The Disco Live in Chicago since this morning,I almost forgot my lunch because I saw 'the so handsome' brendon and 'the so cute' Ryan hahaha seriosly THEY ARE SO HOT!
I am not with anyone
I try to not feel boring
I texted evryone to get over what kind of thing that i used to receive
But hei,
June 07, 2009
The list of people that I LOVE the most
2.The Dzavelash
3.My crazy loveable cousins (Amilda & dimas)
4.My Family
5.My Grandma(s)
6.George Ryan Ross
7.Panic At the Disco :P
2.The Dzavelash
3.My crazy loveable cousins (Amilda & dimas)
4.My Family
5.My Grandma(s)
6.George Ryan Ross
7.Panic At the Disco :P
I'm Listening and watching these awesome cd/dvd!
June 06, 2009
June 05, 2009
June 03, 2009
things are getting boring
Wednesday 3rd June 2009
well,it's not a while anymore when I looked in to my calendar and counted on how long was the "big news" a.k.a "pengumuman kelulusan".It's not a while anymore,I can even count on my fingers,and it's kind of freak me out(sometimes).
Sometimes,I always wanted to get over it,but I could'nt(unfortunately) because like it or not,It will come soon enough.And I still cant believe how fast time past by..
But anyway,I try to keep positive and always pray to ALLAH SWT that I'm going to past my Final Examination!I will past that!AAmiin..
So,i really need your support guys!Pray for me!Okay?
well,it's not a while anymore when I looked in to my calendar and counted on how long was the "big news" a.k.a "pengumuman kelulusan".It's not a while anymore,I can even count on my fingers,and it's kind of freak me out(sometimes).
Sometimes,I always wanted to get over it,but I could'nt(unfortunately) because like it or not,It will come soon enough.And I still cant believe how fast time past by..
But anyway,I try to keep positive and always pray to ALLAH SWT that I'm going to past my Final Examination!I will past that!AAmiin..
So,i really need your support guys!Pray for me!Okay?
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